Vital Things to Consider Before Moving

Vital Things to Consider Before Moving into a Share House


Moving off campus into a share house can be a big adjustment for students. That said, there may be a few things that one needs to consider before settling in their temporary home during the fruitful years of their education. Below are just a few tips to guide you along the way.

1- Analyze the Lease

Don’t worry about the lease if you join a shared flat partway through the semester. Your new roommates will have taken care of it. You can just focus on moving in. 

As a tenant, you have certain rights and responsibilities. It’s important to be familiar with these before signing a lease. Read the lease carefully, and if you have any questions, ask your landlord or property manager. You must also take note of the bond or the amount of money you have to pay upfront before you can move in. This is usually one month’s rent that is due on the first of the month. Pets may or may not be allowed.

2- Take Note of the Location

Find a place to live that is close to public transportation and near places you would need or want to go to frequently. This could include a grocery store, mall, gym, library, bar, or coffee shop.

3- Consider the Condition of the Flat

Make sure to document the condition of the apartment before you sign the lease agreement. This will help ensure that you are able to get your bond back when you move out. Be sure to take plenty of photos of the inside and outside of the apartment.

4- Move Into the Flat

A few companies will let you rent furniture, appliances, and electronics. You can order everything you need online and have it delivered and set up on the day you move in. If some of your new roommates have their own furniture, you can easily have the rental company pick up the items you don’t need.

5- Take Note of the Challenges along the Way

Living with other people can be great if you get along well with them. However, living with people you don’t know can often be difficult, as you may have different habits and lifestyles which can conflict. 

It’s important to be considerate of your flatmates and try to understand where they’re coming from. Try to communicate openly and resolve any issues you have early on. Having a household policy of treating each other with kindness and respect is a good way to set the tone for your living situation.

6- Share Household Duties

A good way to avoid arguments about cleaning in a share house is to have a set schedule that everyone contributes to. This way, everyone knows when it’s their turn to clean, and no one can slack off. Keep the schedule on the fridge so everyone can see it.

7- Share Your Expenses

In a share house, it is important to discuss with your flatmates how you will split shared costs of living. This can include rent, furniture, utilities, and other everyday expenses. You should also decide if it is fairer to split the cost of groceries evenly or if each member should purchase their own food.



There are many things to take into consideration before moving into a share house. The most important factor is finding compatible housemates that you can trust and feel comfortable living with. Other important considerations include the cost of rent and utilities, the location of the house, and the house rules. By taking the time to carefully consider all of these factors, you can help ensure that your experience living in a share house is a positive one.

If you are looking for great shared housing in San Joaquin, CA, look no further than our facilities and accommodations here at Stayhaven Homes. We provide a wide variety of special needs populations with affordable and specialized housing. Call us today for more information about our shared housing.

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