Pros and Cons of Shared Living You Might Not Know About

In the past decade or so shared living has become quite popular, especially in the metropolitan areas where rent has increased significantly. People need to find a more cost-effective option because they cannot afford to live in apartments, condos, or houses on their own. 

But just like there are pros and cons to living on your own, there are advantages and disadvantages to shared living, too, and in this post, Stayhaven Homes will share some of them with you: 

Advantages of Shared Living

Shared Living Can Save You Money

This is perhaps the most obvious advantage and the reason you’re considering shared living in the first place. In most cities, rents have continuously been rising, and they’ll likely continue to grow, too, so if you’re looking to save money on rent, shared living is an option you should explore. Apart from saving money on rent, though, you also get to save some money on utility costs because you’ll be sharing it with other people, too. 

You’ll Have Company Who Can Help You Out

Most people meet their best friends for life as roommates. Because you share a home, you always have company and people to talk to when you need them. If you are unfamiliar with the city, it’s helpful to have someone who can help you know the neighborhood better. In most cases, roommates are willing to help each other out when they go through stuff, and that’s better than sulking in your own apartment dealing with things on your own. You might even find, like so many people, that you become like a family after a while. 

Because you already live with people who are likely to become your friends, you won’t even have to go out to bars or anywhere else just to socialize with other people. Socialization comes naturally when you live in the same house.

Disadvantages of Shared Living

You May Never Enjoy Some Alone Time

Having housemates who are around all the time can be a double-edged sword. There may be times when you crave some quiet time, and you won’t be able to have it because you can’t precisely tell everybody in the house to be quiet, right? You might want to consider this if you are someone who prefers being alone or if you need some peace and quiet when you’re working or studying. 

You’ll Be Sharing Bathrooms and Other Stuff

In most shared houses, bathrooms, refrigerators, pantries, washing machines, and more are shared. This may be an issue for you if you like to keep your things organized a certain way or if you don’t like the idea of other people using your items or “accidentally” eating your food because it could happen. While there are certain rules, there’s always a chance that you’d live with someone who might not follow such rules.

You Are Not 100% Free to Do as You Please

Another downside of shared living is that you are still somewhat restricted with what you do, even if you’re already friends with your housemates. If you like blasting music and dancing like crazy to de-stress or if you sometimes feel too lazy to clean up or even do the dishes, you can’t do that when you live with other people. There may also be rules about having other people over.


As you can see, there are indeed some pros and cons to living in a shared room. It all depends on what you need and what you can tolerate. If you are on a limited budget and you don’t mind the idea of living with other people and all the pros and cons that come with that, then you should consider living in a shared home. 

Stayhaven Homes offers you the opportunity to live in a room-share home in Modesto, California. Whether you are looking for one because of financial reasons, or you’re a senior, veteran, or a person with special needs, you are welcome at Stayhaven Homes. Contact us to know more!

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