How Living In Shared Housing Can Protect You From Scams

One of the benefits of living in shared housing that you might not know about is scam protection. Scammers prey on the vulnerable and the lonely, and many older people don’t understand the digital world. They’ve lost their savings, and many have given away cash to victims on their computers, even when their computers were supposedly protected by strong passwords. They’ve even taken money out of their bank accounts and sent it directly to scammers. 

Now, you may not be fully convinced of how shared housing can help protect you from scams. To help you out, we thought it would be useful to put together a brief article talking about this topic. If you want to learn more about this, read on as we break down how living in shared housing can protect you from scams.

Your Housemates Can Help Stop Scams

Scammers create a spell. They mesmerize their subjects by creating fear. Scammers scare their subjects with messages that scream on-screen, “Your account has been compromised. There’s an urgency to the message. These scammers purposely short-circuit rational thinking with fear.

The thing that you have to understand about scams is that they usually target those who are most vulnerable. This can be because they lack knowledge of technology or they may live alone. Shared housing addresses both of these issues. If you live with other people, you are far less likely to fall victim to a scam as you’ll have more people to stop you from doing something foolish. 

Your Housemates Can Help Educate You on Technology

As we’ve already mentioned, scammers victimize people who are uneducated on technology. Shared housing fixes this issue as your housemates can help make up for your lack of knowledge on technology. If you see a distressing message or a suspicious email, it would be best to ask your housemates about it before doing anything too drastic. While this may not seem like a big deal, it can make a world of a difference when it comes to preventing scams.

Your Housemates Can Prevent Scammers From Victimizing You

While many scams happen over the internet, some scammers have also utilized phones. They call unsuspecting victims and pretend to be the IRS, the Social Security Administration, or a credit card company in order to steal money. Their schemes usually are often successful as their targets usually live alone with no one to intervene. This isn’t a problem with shared housing. Before you fall victim to scammers, your housemates may notice that something is amiss and can help prevent you from losing money to scammers.


We hope this article proves to be useful when it comes to furthering your understanding of how shared housing can help protect you from scams. As you can see, simply having people around you is a great way to stop potential scams. Be sure to keep all of this information in mind so that you can protect your housemates from scams as well.

If you’re looking for shared housing in Sacramento, then you’ve come to the right place. We here at Stayhaven Homes are dedicated to helping our clients by providing them with inclusive and affordable housing. We provide a wide variety of special needs housing options for adult men and women. For more information on what we can do for you, visit our website today!

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