Living With Roommates: Here’s What To Do To Ensure Safety

Whether you live in an apartment, condo, or rental house, securing your home is important. It is more crucial if you live with other family members or friends. Having a roommate can be fun, but it also requires tight security needs.

Regardless of how close you are to the people you live with, setting boundaries is still essential to ensure that you live in the space you need. Just because you live in an apartment, condo, or rental house with other people does not mean that you have to sacrifice the privacy and security that you should have.

What to Do Before Getting a Roommate

If you plan to have a roommate soon, you can try these steps first to help give you peace of mind.

Ask for a Background Check

Before accepting a roommate to your place, do your research first. Find out if your prospective roommate has a criminal history, and inquire about any unpaid bills or financial obligations that they may have.

Ask for Their References

Contacting your potential roommate’s parents, partners, friends, employers, or former landlords can give you information about the kind of person your roommate is.

Take note of your potential roommate’s interactions with them. You will be able to determine whether or not this is someone you want to be with.

Have Them Sign a Lease

If you decide to live with your friend or romantic partner, you should formalize the living arrangement.

Signing a lease is not only a good idea to protect yourself but also to protect your roommate. If you decide to break up with your roommate or get a new one, having a lease will make things easier for you.

You may also want to take photos of the apartment before getting a new roommate. It is crucial to ensure that everything is well-documented and that you have proof when needed. 

If you rent a house, you should still have a roommate agreement. It can reduce your legal liabilities.

What to Do Once You Have a Roommate

Draw the Line

No matter how close you are to your roommate, you need to set boundaries. If you feel that you need more privacy, tell your new roommate. If you have a private room or a space with doors, let them know that this is the space where you will be spending the most time. It would be best to tell them that you need to have some alone time.

Protect Your Valuables

Protecting your valuables is essential, but the problem is that people do not value what they think they cannot lose. You should have the following things ready before bringing in your new roommate.

  • Home Inventory

Make a list of valuables that are in your home. It can include jewelry, electronics, furniture, and appliances. It will make it easier for you to file a claim should you lose something.

  • Methods for Locking Up

Lock up your home’s important areas. That can include your room, the common areas, and the garage. Doing this will help prevent your roommate from snooping on you or your things.

Install Security Cameras

Installing a security camera will protect you from theft and other kinds of attacks. It will also give you a way to check on your roommate’s activities.

When looking for security cameras, keep in mind that you do not need to install everything in your home. You can strategically install cameras in essential places such as the living area, bedroom, and other common areas.


Getting a roommate can be fun and a great way to save money. But how you approach the living situation will determine how much you will enjoy your time with your roommate. Preventing theft is not only a way to avoid breaking the law, but it is also a way to protect yourself from accidents. There are many ways to protect your home and your valuables.

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