Knowing Your Compatibility with a Roommate in Shared Housing

Owning a house in the United States has been quite challenging for many people due to the skyrocketing prices in the previous years. Fortunately, the concept of shared housing has been introduced, resulting in many people being roommates and splitting the utility bills every month, giving them lots of savings.

While the whole situation may seem straightforward, the truth is that people will always have their differences. That is why one must be compatible with the person they are going to share the house with; otherwise, there will be a definite case of conflict along the way.

The term compatibility simply refers to the fact that you may live with the other tenant in harmony. In such a case, you may take note of the following pointers that will determine how compatible you are with another person in a shared housing scenario.

1. Do You Have Similar Habits and Beliefs?

This is the first reason why you and the other tenant must have good compatibility. If you are both people who like routine and hate surprises, then you have excellent compatibility. In contrast, you may not have good compatibility if you and the other person are completely different.

2. Do You Know Each Other?

There are many reasons why you need to know each other a little before deciding on living together in a shared housing scenario. To start with, you need to keep your personal information and background private. This is also to let the other tenant know that you are a good person to live with.

3. Do You Want to Stay?

If you are planning on living with the other tenant for a long time, it is best if you are planning to stay for the long haul. This will show the other tenant that you are in the relationship for the long term. You must remember that you are planning to share your house with the other tenant for a long time, which is why you must both know each other well.

4. Do You Have a Sense of Humor?

This is something that the two of you should be mindful of. You must constantly be aware if you are looking forward to living in a place where you would need to laugh with the other tenant. If you are both people who like to joke, take note of this because it will help you both in many ways.

5. Do You Want to Live Within Your Means?

You will not want to live in a place with someone who is going to spend too much money without any sense of consideration about whether he can afford to pay the bills. This is why you must always be mindful of the other person’s financial condition.

6. Do You Have Respect for One Another?

Contrary to what many people think, it does not only refer to physical respect but also spiritual and mental respect. It is important to note that you are going to be living with the other person, so you must be mindful that you will need to respect the privacy of the other person.


If you really want to live within your means, then you must start living with someone else. In contrast, you must also make sure that you are going to be living with someone who can make it a fun experience. Always remember that you will have other people living in the same house as you, so you must always be mindful of the qualities you are going to look for.

Take note of our pointers above and see if you and the other tenant may have a harmonious life within shared housing.

If you are looking for available shared housing in San Joaquin, look no further than our options here at Stayhaven Homes. Since we opened our first shared home, we have provided a wide variety of special needs populations with affordable and specialized housing. Call us today for more information about our homes and their amenities.

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