Factors to Consider When Choosing a Roommate

Every major decision you need in your life requires careful consideration. We shouldn’t rush into doing things without weighing their pros and cons first. From things that you do every day, like choosing what to eat to what career to pursue, where to live, and more, you need to consider many factors before arriving at a decision. 

The same goes for choosing a roommate. You might think it’s not as serious as choosing a life partner. However, you need to consider that this is someone who’s going to be living with you – sharing your space, seeing you at various stages of your life, and basically being present in your home every day. That certainly requires some serious thought. 

Stayhaven Homes, the best-shared housing in Modesto, California, discusses some of the factors you need to consider when choosing a roommate:


First, you need to ascertain if the person has a good enough moral compass to warrant your trust. This is important because you will be sharing things like your home (and your stuff), your money, and even your personal space with this person. The last thing you want to happen is for someone to take advantage of your generosity and loyalty.

Hence, it’s important to be certain that your roommate is not only a good person but that they’re also someone you can count on to keep your secrets and protect your personal details as well.

Capability to Share the Bills

Another thing you need to consider is whether you’re going to be able to share the bills with this person. For instance, if you have a water bill, you have to make sure that whoever you’re going to live with would be able to pay his share on time or risk your utilities getting shut off.

Hence, you need to make sure that this person is ready to take on their financial responsibilities and is prepared to face the consequences when things go wrong.


Aside from being able to pay your share of the bills, you need to be sure that your roommate is also able to be as considerate as possible – especially when it comes to cleanliness. After all, living in a place that’s cluttered and dirty is not only uncomfortable, but it’s unhealthy as well.

If you’re going to live with someone for an extended period of time, you need to be sure that they can help you keep the place clean and organized.

Habits and Hobbies

A person’s habits can either enhance or detract from the experience of living with them. If, for instance, your roommate likes to spend his weekends out of the house and you’re an introvert who needs time to relax, that’s not going to work out. In the same way, if you’re the type of person who gets a hangover easily or is trying to avoid drinking altogether, you might not like it if your roommate is a heavy drinker.


Finally, you need to make sure that your roommate’s schedule is going to work well with yours. You should be capable of having mutual understanding when it comes to things like house chores, getting groceries, and other things of that nature.


Many people mistakenly think that picking a roommate is something that doesn’t require a lot of thought. However, if you want to ensure a good experience while living in a shared house with someone, you need to do your homework and make sure that the person you’re going to live with is someone you can trust and enjoy being around.

Stayhaven Homes offers shared housing services in Modesto, California to those who are seeking affordable or specialized housing. Contact us today to learn more about our shared houses!

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