Category Archives: Veteran Housing

6 Key Benefits of Shared Accommodations for Seniors

Though it was once only reserved for college kids, shared housing is a rising trend for the older population. Seniors are now appreciating the benefits of shared housing, especially as they transition into a new type of lifestyle.

If you’re wondering whether shared housing services will be a residential set-up perfect for you or a senior loved one, here are some benefits you must consider in your decision.

1. Access to Emergency Help

Senior adults who have grown accustomed to living alone might find it difficult to ask for help when they need it. With this type of arrangement, though, they can take advantage of the help provided by their housemates.

For example, housemates can use the shared funds for repairs when there’s a plumbing issue in the house. Alternatively, seniors can also turn to their housemates to handle household chores. This can be especially beneficial when they have health limitations or mobility issues.

2. Save Some Money

Some seniors have to deal with rising medical expenses due to their complex medical needs. Still, shared housing can help them save on these costs by decreasing the likelihood of medical emergencies. Seniors living in shared housing can also save some money because they can share the cost of living.

3. Have a Sense of Community

Independent living can be very lonely, especially if you spend a lot of time alone at home. The easiest way to tackle this issue is by joining in on social activities in the senior community.

Through housemates, seniors can also share stories, enjoy music and other forms of entertainment with one another, and even eat meals together in the house.

4. Share Housing Responsibilities with Others

Seniors can also share the responsibilities of housework with their housemates. This is a great option, especially if they don’t have anyone else to rely on who is living in their area.

It can also be rewarding to share the responsibility for chores and other household maintenance tips, especially if they don’t have enough time to go over it independently.

5. Improve Mental Health

Seniors who live alone may experience mental health issues such as depression, and shared housing can alleviate this. Due to its social nature, a shared housing arrangement can provide seniors the chance to interact with people who can help them maintain their social life and even develop new relationships.

6. Stay Active

Since seniors will be living with others, they don’t have to worry about finding activities to participate in. They will have the opportunity to challenge themselves to try new things, whether it’s joining in on social events or attending classes.

This is also an excellent way for seniors to learn new things to bring back to their own homes.

Final Thoughts

Just like any other senior living arrangement, shared housing is not for everyone. There will be pros and cons to consider, and seniors must think of their own needs regarding shared accommodation before making a decision.

However, shared housing is an excellent option for seniors looking to save money on housing while also getting social interaction with other people.

Are you looking for affordable shared housing in Stanislaus County, CA? Stayhaven Homes is worth checking out. We offer specialized housing programs for populations with special needs, including seniors, veterans, disabled people, low-income individuals, sober-living persons, and other similar concerns. Contact us today to learn more.

Interesting Facts You Should Know About Shared Housing

Sharing a home with strangers may not sound appealing to many people, but there’s more to shared housing or co-housing than it seems! First, there are no real drawbacks to shared housing. As early as now, we want to tell you that living in a shared home is entirely okay and common. 

For example, many children live in shared quarters. Roommates in urban cities live together, especially in areas with competitive rental markets. While enrolled in classes, college students cohabitate. As such, the ability to live alone is often considered a luxury, especially for those with higher incomes. 

Shared housing could also be a type of community living that may include individuals in recovery, foster children transitioning out of the system, veterans, senior citizens, students, and individuals dealing with legal concerns are a few examples. However, shared housing is not popularly regarded as the best option for people who have been homeless. 

Read on to discover exciting facts you should know about shared housing.

Shared Housing Means Companionship

With shared housing, companionship is guaranteed. Companionship is a highly efficient way to prevent loneliness and depression. It is also less expensive than hiring a complete unit.

Shared Housing Can Be Customized

Shared housing can be modified to the individuals’ needs. People can share houses in a variety of formal and informal methods. For example, shared living arrangements can be tailored to specific demographics or affinity groups, such as families, seniors, singles, and even people in recovery or identify as LGBTQ.

Shared Housing Combats Housing Crises

Both the homeless and the system benefit financially from shared housing. In light of the worldwide housing crisis, communal housing is frequently substantially less expensive than living alone. It lowers per-tenant costs and speeds up the homeless housing system for communities everywhere.

Shared Housing Offers Low-Cost Rent

Shared housing has the potential to improve one’s quality of life. Renters can rent apartments in regions where they would not have been able to afford them otherwise since shared housing costs have fallen. This proximity improves educational opportunities, amenities, career opportunities, and transit options.

Shared Housing Is a Temporary Living Arrangement

Shared housing is not a long-term solution. Shared housing, like other living conditions, is not permanent. It can be a stopover on your route to your own apartment, or it can be a way of life. In either case, shared housing is not a feasible lifestyle option. Beyond this, any service for whether individuals or groups should attempt to place clients in permanent homes.


Again, shared housing does not seem like a viable option for many people, but it ultimately stands as a promising living arrangement, even if only temporarily. If anything, shared living spaces can help homeless persons or displaced communities find a secure residence. The true essence of this living arrangement is for this reason. 

So if you are transitioning from homelessness to finding safe housing, look into shared housing initiatives in your town. This path may help you broaden your options and allow you to think ahead as you discover more long-term solutions.

Are you looking for a room for rent in Modesto? Stayhaven Homes, located in Modesto, California, provides low-cost shared living, rooms and beds. Services for low-income people and groups with particular needs, such as the disabled and veterans. We are committed to providing a secure, economic, all-inclusive lifestyle, which is why properties and services are the best in the city and neighboring areas. Reach out today!

What Are the Different Types of Transitional Housing

Transitional housing provides temporary shelter to portions of the homeless population or people going through a crisis. Some transitional housing focuses on one demographic segment, such as victims of domestic abuse or those recovering from drug addiction. Those who find themselves in a transitional home are given the tools and support necessary to find permanent housing and thrive in their personal lives.

What Are the Types of Transitional Housing?

Many types of transitional housing are meant for specific segments of society. Some of the most common forms include but are not limited to the following:

  • For Families With Low Income

Facilities that specialize in low-income families have the resources and staff that can help both children and parents. Aside from sheltering them, the staff of transitional housing facilities also help parents enroll their kids in schools, obtain health services, become employed, and find permanent housing. There are transitional housing facilities that offer private accommodations or small homes to families in need.

  • For Recovering Addicts

People recovering from an addiction can stay in transitional housing, or what is often called a halfway house. This type of facility can accommodate groups of people where the atmosphere of the residence and the staff’s approach are less intensive than a rehabilitation center. Residents also have more freedom in halfway houses.

Some recovering addicts are free to come and go as long as they follow the facility’s rules. Other halfway homes make residents work during the day, stick to a curfew, and undergo periodic drug tests to ensure sobriety. Some facilities require residents to pay for their rent and living expenses.

A halfway house is important for recovering addicts because they follow a structure or routine that can help speed up their recovery process and reenter society. They can even be given the tools to succeed and find permanent housing.

  • For Veterans Without Homes

Statistics show that 11 percent of the American homeless population is made up of veterans. These former military members face financial challenges and are unable to afford health care. Most of them also suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance abuse. Veterans who are homeless or are at the risk of losing their homes have a place they can turn to. Reach out to the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 1-877-424-3838.

You can also opt for transitional housing from the Volunteers of America. In addition to shelter, the organization will also provide you with the appropriate treatments for addiction and mental health problems.

  • For Victims of Domestic Abuse

Research shows that 1 out of 4 women have been victims of domestic abuse at some point in their life. Fortunately, various organizations offer help to victims, which includes transitional housing. 

For those at risk of becoming homeless and suffering from domestic abuse, do not hesitate to call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

Final Thoughts

Transitional housing serves as an excellent way to help individuals and families become equipped to support themselves and find permanent housing. These resources are available to those who are facing tough challenges at present. If you are in dire need of help, never hesitate to reach out to the right people so that you can find a transitional housing facility as soon as possible.

Stayhaven Homes offers shared housing services in Modesto, CA. We open our sober shared housing residences to various people, including veterans, people with disabilities, senior citizens, and recovering addicts. We assure you that our area is safe for residents. Contact us today if you are interested in learning more about our affordable, all-inclusive, and drug-free housing in Modesto, CA.