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Vital Things to Consider Before Moving

Vital Things to Consider Before Moving into a Share House


Moving off campus into a share house can be a big adjustment for students. That said, there may be a few things that one needs to consider before settling in their temporary home during the fruitful years of their education. Below are just a few tips to guide you along the way.

1- Analyze the Lease

Don’t worry about the lease if you join a shared flat partway through the semester. Your new roommates will have taken care of it. You can just focus on moving in. 

As a tenant, you have certain rights and responsibilities. It’s important to be familiar with these before signing a lease. Read the lease carefully, and if you have any questions, ask your landlord or property manager. You must also take note of the bond or the amount of money you have to pay upfront before you can move in. This is usually one month’s rent that is due on the first of the month. Pets may or may not be allowed.

2- Take Note of the Location

Find a place to live that is close to public transportation and near places you would need or want to go to frequently. This could include a grocery store, mall, gym, library, bar, or coffee shop.

3- Consider the Condition of the Flat

Make sure to document the condition of the apartment before you sign the lease agreement. This will help ensure that you are able to get your bond back when you move out. Be sure to take plenty of photos of the inside and outside of the apartment.

4- Move Into the Flat

A few companies will let you rent furniture, appliances, and electronics. You can order everything you need online and have it delivered and set up on the day you move in. If some of your new roommates have their own furniture, you can easily have the rental company pick up the items you don’t need.

5- Take Note of the Challenges along the Way

Living with other people can be great if you get along well with them. However, living with people you don’t know can often be difficult, as you may have different habits and lifestyles which can conflict. 

It’s important to be considerate of your flatmates and try to understand where they’re coming from. Try to communicate openly and resolve any issues you have early on. Having a household policy of treating each other with kindness and respect is a good way to set the tone for your living situation.

6- Share Household Duties

A good way to avoid arguments about cleaning in a share house is to have a set schedule that everyone contributes to. This way, everyone knows when it’s their turn to clean, and no one can slack off. Keep the schedule on the fridge so everyone can see it.

7- Share Your Expenses

In a share house, it is important to discuss with your flatmates how you will split shared costs of living. This can include rent, furniture, utilities, and other everyday expenses. You should also decide if it is fairer to split the cost of groceries evenly or if each member should purchase their own food.



There are many things to take into consideration before moving into a share house. The most important factor is finding compatible housemates that you can trust and feel comfortable living with. Other important considerations include the cost of rent and utilities, the location of the house, and the house rules. By taking the time to carefully consider all of these factors, you can help ensure that your experience living in a share house is a positive one.

If you are looking for great shared housing in San Joaquin, CA, look no further than our facilities and accommodations here at Stayhaven Homes. We provide a wide variety of special needs populations with affordable and specialized housing. Call us today for more information about our shared housing.

6 Practical Benefits of Shared Housing

6 Practical Benefits of Shared Housing You Need to Know

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 Practical Benefits of Shared Housing are great in numbers. Shared housing can be a great choice for many individuals, especially now that the cost of living is constantly increasing, and housing is getting harder to afford. Not only can it help you to save money, but it is also an opportunity to bring people together and offer support.

Living in shared housing is completely typical and accepted, particularly in major cities with extremely competitive rental markets. College students often find roommates to reduce their living expenses. 

If you are interested in shared housing but still not quite convinced about its benefits, here are six things you should know. 

1- Shared Housing Is Affordable 

Shared housing helps reduce the cost of living per tenant, which can save you a good deal of money. If you are recently transitioning from homelessness, this may be a good option to get started. 

2- Shared Housing Is Flexible

Shared housing does not have to be as basic as sharing an apartment with a roommate. It can be tailored to specific demographics (such as families, seniors, or singles) or affinity groups like LGBTQIA+ and those who are recovering from injuries. 

However, it is important to consider aspects like selecting a compatible roommate, establishing ground rules, and having a fallback option. This will ensure that you have a comfortable shared housing experience. 

3- Shared Housing Can Help Maximize Your Quality of Life

Shared housing makes living more affordable for every individual in a unit. Therefore, tenants may be able to rent units in communities that would otherwise be out of their price range if they were to live alone. 

This provides you access to amenities that can contribute to a better quality of life, such as excellent schools, transportation, and good work opportunities. 

4- Shared Housing Promotes the Sense of Community

Aside from the affordability it offers, living with other people provides you with the opportunity to improve your socialization skills. You get to mingle with people from different backgrounds and rely on each other like family. Having roommates also allows you to learn new things that you would otherwise not when you choose to live alone.

5- Shared Housing Is Convenient 

For those who prefer to live near to their friends or family, shared housing might be an easy choice. It can also be an excellent method to cut costs on utilities and rent. 

6- Shared Housing Doesn’t Have to Be Permanent

Sixth Practical Benefits of Shared Housing is like all living arrangements, shared housing does not have to be a choice for the rest of your life. It can serve various purposes for different individuals. It might be a transitional setting on the route to someone’s own unit or someone’s preferred way to live. 

Also Read: 6 Key House Rules Maintain Good Relationships Housemates


Living in a shared space is a great way to cut costs and improve the quality of life. It helps in making new friends, and live more sustainably. We hope the six advantages mentioned above can help you make a more informed decision about whether this type of setup is right for you. 

If you are searching for convenient shared housing in Sacramento, look no further. Stayhaven Homes provides specialized housing for a wide variety of clients, including seniors, veterans with disabilities, and homeless individuals. Call us today for a virtual tour!

Sober Houses: What They Are and How They Help With Sobriety

Life after leaving rehab or inpatient treatment can be challenging. Many people need help to transition back to their communities and lives, making a sober living house a great option to help make the move smoother. If you’re wondering what a sober house is like, read on to find out how it works and if it’s the right step for you.

What is a Sober House?

A sober house is a place where people can live while they are in the process of recovery from addiction. In some cases, sober houses can be found within larger facilities, such as a rehab center, where people can reside for a time and learn the skills needed for long-term recovery. A sober house can also be independent of a larger treatment center, and sometimes, former treatment patients can go through a sober living program of sorts as they transition back into life after treatment before they return home.

An intake counselor takes information about a person’s physical health, mental health concerns, drug use history, and treatment objectives when they check into a sober house. Counselors identify particular requirements that the program can satisfy and assist in explaining the home routine so that residents understand what is expected of them. Drug and alcohol testing may be performed regularly to verify that everyone in the house remains sober. Some sober houses enable members to go to school, work, or volunteer while living there.

What to Expect When Moving into a Sober Living House

One of the most often asked questions about sober living houses is what life is like daily. Daily and weekly routines are used in sober houses to assist members to live as a family unit working toward similar goals. Cooking and cleaning duties are shared so that everyone contributes to the efficient operation of the sober house. Many persons who have spent an extended period buried in drug and alcohol addiction have lacked a routine and benefit from having one again. As a resident of the home, individuals learn to accept responsibility, collaborate, and hold themselves accountable.

What’s the Difference Between a Sober and a Halfway House?

When seeking help while working on your sobriety, it’s crucial to grasp the distinction between sober living and halfway homes so you can determine which is best for you.

Some sober living homes are now associated with addiction treatment programs. In contrast, others are operated by sober living professionals whose only purpose is to create a safe living environment for persons in this stage of recovery.

So, what exactly is a halfway house? Some halfway homes are managed by government entities. Halfway houses can be busy and dorm-like, whereas sober living homes are more like private homes, providing occupants with more solitude and comfort.

Another distinguishing characteristic between sober living and halfway houses is the expense. Halfway homes are often the least priced alternative since they offer fewer amenities, less privacy, and less structure. On the other hand, Sober living is occasionally covered by insurance, making it a practical alternative for persons who may benefit from this level of support.


Living in a sober home is a significant transition step for someone considering returning home to live independently. It offers structure, support, and a new lease on life to help people get back on their feet.

Stayhaven Homes offers affordable shared housing in Stanislaus, Merced, and Sacramento. We proudly provide special housing options for teens, the elderly, veterans, and more. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you! 

Is There a Difference Between Shared Housing and Co-living?

Room sharing can be very helpful as a means to have a place to stay that is more affordable and naturally gives you a sense of community. Because there are so many options available to you with their own benefits, it may help you to know the real difference between co-living spaces and shared housing.

Amenities Available

Though most spaces of either nature will already come with their own amenities, the difference lies in whether they are shared with others or designated per tenant. It’s also a matter of pricing, as co-living spaces will usually include amenities in their total rental fees. On the other hand, shared housing will have utilities separate from the fees.

In general, it depends on the actual place you reach out to. You can, however, expect water, maintenance, electricity, cleaning, and Wi-Fi.

Usual Demographics

Although you are not limited to any single type of space when it comes to finding a place to stay, you will usually see a distinct difference in the demographics of residents in the area.

Co-living spaces see a lot of working professionals, students, and sentient residents that travel a lot. In terms of shared housing, on the other hand, you’ll see an interesting mix of older retired individuals, professionals, and those that are looking for more extended stays.


There are co-living spaces that span all over the world, while shared housing is limited in the number of cities and regions it encompasses. You can expect co-living spaces to be in major metropolitan areas with a very active nightlife, while shared housing often set up shop in city outskirts.

Rental Fees and Options

You can choose from a dorm-like floor plan with shared living spaces to a live-for-free arrangement. For shared housing, the number of rooms available can go as low as just two to a maximum of twenty. Rent differs depending on what you want and how much space you need. Not all setups are created equally, so it can vary quite a bit.

You can easily find affordable shared housing these days, though, and can choose a viable payment plan that fits your own lifestyle, stream of income, and pool of funds.

The Rise of Shared Living

Shared living is seeing a major boost in popularity, and for a good reason. It’s a movement that’s meant to bring people together and share a sense of community through the shared resources that are available.

We can attribute its popularity due to the flexibility of its contracts, which don’t tie you down to year-long leases. Other reasons for its popularity are the inclusivity it provides for various residents without sacrificing safety.

The only thing to think about is whether or not you’re looking for a living situation that puts you in the presence of other people. It takes a sense of community and an ability to coexist with others to maximize the benefits of your housing situation.


The rise of various types of shared housing is something that doesn’t look like it will go out of style any time soon. By understanding the differences in these options, you can pick the one that suits your style and needs.

If you’re looking for shared housing in Sacramento, then reach out to Stayhaven Homes. We have rooms and beds available for a wide variety of demographics. 

How Can House-Sharing Bring You Socializing Opportunities

Living alone has its pros and cons. Unfortunately, in some cases, people are starting to realize that the cons outweigh the pros. So, they tend to choose to live in shared housing. One of the cons of living alone is the lack of social interaction. But with shared housing, the issue will be addressed. 

In this article, we will discuss how house-sharing brings socializing opportunities. This article will be helpful for you so that you can make an informed decision, especially if you’re about to move into a new country or a new city. 

Let’s get started! 

Why Should You Choose House-Sharing?

Let’s say you’re about to move into a new country or a new city with a very different culture, language, and beliefs. In that case, it’ll be challenging for you to adjust alone. But if you live with someone who shares the same experience as you, the adjustment period will be a lot easier. That’s why when looking for a place to live, you should consider house-sharing. 

In house sharing, you can find dozens of people who are in a similar condition as yours. They are there in a foreign land trying to work or study while fighting loneliness and sadness. If you live in the same house as them, you’ll be each other’s support system, making homesickness much more bearable and less depressing. 

Why Does House Sharing Help with Socializing?

Let’s admit it; living alone can only make us feel lonely and depressed, which is not so good for our mental health. The phrase no man is an island is true, especially if you’re in a place not familiar to you. We all need social interaction to keep us sane and happy. So, you should definitely live in a house-sharing situation to maintain social interaction. 

Here are the reasons why house-sharing helps in socializing: 

  • It Houses a Large Number of People – House sharing eliminates the case of living alone. With house sharing, you can interact with different people from different cultures and different traditions. Over time, you can build good relationships with them, and you can even count on them whenever life gets difficult for you. 
  • You Can Find Mutual Hobby Friends – In the pool of different people with different cultures, you will come across someone who shares the same interests and hobbies as you. You wouldn’t know who that person might be, so you have to interact with them. The effort you put into getting to know them is already a big plus in socializing, so house sharing is definitely a perfect choice if you want to keep your social interaction well maintained.
  • You Can Take Advantage of International Exchange – Since most house-sharing properties accommodate local and international people, you can have an opportunity to mingle with different people from different cultures. This way, you can learn new things from each other, and your network will also expand. Use this opportunity to your advantage. Who knows, the people whom you shared a house with may bring you job opportunities or may even help you navigate their home country if you’ve decided to visit in the future.


House sharing helps resolve the lack of social interaction naturally. So, when choosing a place to stay in a land that you’re not familiar with, consider going for shared housing. House sharing will give you that warmth, community, support, and social interactiveness, which can relatively keep your mental health and overall well-being in check.

If you’re looking for shared housing services in Stanislaus, you’ve come to the right place! Stayhaven Homes provides special needs populations with affordable and specialized housing. We have rooms and beds available that are clean, affordable, and are in safe all-inclusive living environments. Contact us today to learn how we can help you! 

5 Reasons Why a Sober Living Home May Be the Best Option

Recovering from addiction is a journey that needs support and structure. These factors may not be present in everyone’s daily life, which is why sober living homes can be a real boon to anyone trying to get sober. 

Sober living homes are welcoming spaces that make the struggle easier, and they carry a lot of benefits for anyone in need of transitional housing. Here are some reasons you or a loved one suffering from addiction can benefit from a sober living home:

1. It’s a Safe Place

A sober living home ensures that you’ll be in alcohol and drug-free housing, so you’re not at risk of falling back during your recovery process. It can also protect you from external dangers and surround you with a peaceful environment away from temptation. Here, you can safely start rebuilding without being exposed to old habits and risks.

It’s also a safe space that allows you to go through your recovery without judgement or prejudice. Here, you know that you are with people on similar journeys and that your community wants you to get better.

2. It Provides Structure

Having to find your way back into regular living without old vices can be a daunting task on your own. Sober living homes have guidelines and rules that can help provide that much-needed structure in your life. It’s a good place to start building a foundation of your life moving forward.

This is especially helpful for individuals struggling to build healthy patterns and get through a day-to-day routine.

3. You Are Connected to Resources to Get Help

There are situations where it’s hard to reach out and find resources to get help. It can feel like there’s nowhere to go. With sober homes, you get access to regular twelve-step meetings, and you are introduced to support groups that you can continue to connect with even after you’ve moved on from the home.

Those who manage the activities will also know the right connections to make, be it AA, NA, or whatever resource you need in your situation.

4. You Get a Support System

Everybody needs to have support in their life. This bears even more weight when you’ve undergone much turmoil. The moment you meet your fellow housemates, you have a network of support already there. A bond forms between people that are going through the same struggles and have an understanding of what it’s like to go through recovery.

Having people who understand you and are there to back you up when you are at risk of faltering can also be a real lifesaver when you’re getting sober.

5. It’s Been Proven to Help Recovery Outcomes

Sobriety can be an intimidating thing when you think about how many people end up relapsing. This is why having a period of staying in a sober living home can make a real difference. Studies have shown that people in similar environments during their recovery journey fare much better than those who try to go it alone. 

The greatest benefit is this because it’s not just about the relief and support you get now, but the long-term effects it will have on your life.


If you’re in need of help or simply looking for shared housing options that will provide a good environment for you, a sober living home can be a great place to start. You’re likely to find a great community that is welcoming and diverse. In a time in your life where you could benefit best from care, understanding, and guidance, this stands out as a promising direction to head toward.

If you’re looking for a safe and inclusive place offering sober living in Modesto, Stayhaven Homes has our doors open. Reach out to see how we can help your recovery journey.

Pros and Cons of Shared Living You Might Not Know About

In the past decade or so shared living has become quite popular, especially in the metropolitan areas where rent has increased significantly. People need to find a more cost-effective option because they cannot afford to live in apartments, condos, or houses on their own. 

But just like there are pros and cons to living on your own, there are advantages and disadvantages to shared living, too, and in this post, Stayhaven Homes will share some of them with you: 

Advantages of Shared Living

Shared Living Can Save You Money

This is perhaps the most obvious advantage and the reason you’re considering shared living in the first place. In most cities, rents have continuously been rising, and they’ll likely continue to grow, too, so if you’re looking to save money on rent, shared living is an option you should explore. Apart from saving money on rent, though, you also get to save some money on utility costs because you’ll be sharing it with other people, too. 

You’ll Have Company Who Can Help You Out

Most people meet their best friends for life as roommates. Because you share a home, you always have company and people to talk to when you need them. If you are unfamiliar with the city, it’s helpful to have someone who can help you know the neighborhood better. In most cases, roommates are willing to help each other out when they go through stuff, and that’s better than sulking in your own apartment dealing with things on your own. You might even find, like so many people, that you become like a family after a while. 

Because you already live with people who are likely to become your friends, you won’t even have to go out to bars or anywhere else just to socialize with other people. Socialization comes naturally when you live in the same house.

Disadvantages of Shared Living

You May Never Enjoy Some Alone Time

Having housemates who are around all the time can be a double-edged sword. There may be times when you crave some quiet time, and you won’t be able to have it because you can’t precisely tell everybody in the house to be quiet, right? You might want to consider this if you are someone who prefers being alone or if you need some peace and quiet when you’re working or studying. 

You’ll Be Sharing Bathrooms and Other Stuff

In most shared houses, bathrooms, refrigerators, pantries, washing machines, and more are shared. This may be an issue for you if you like to keep your things organized a certain way or if you don’t like the idea of other people using your items or “accidentally” eating your food because it could happen. While there are certain rules, there’s always a chance that you’d live with someone who might not follow such rules.

You Are Not 100% Free to Do as You Please

Another downside of shared living is that you are still somewhat restricted with what you do, even if you’re already friends with your housemates. If you like blasting music and dancing like crazy to de-stress or if you sometimes feel too lazy to clean up or even do the dishes, you can’t do that when you live with other people. There may also be rules about having other people over.


As you can see, there are indeed some pros and cons to living in a shared room. It all depends on what you need and what you can tolerate. If you are on a limited budget and you don’t mind the idea of living with other people and all the pros and cons that come with that, then you should consider living in a shared home. 

Stayhaven Homes offers you the opportunity to live in a room-share home in Modesto, California. Whether you are looking for one because of financial reasons, or you’re a senior, veteran, or a person with special needs, you are welcome at Stayhaven Homes. Contact us to know more!