Category Archives: Group Homes

How Affordable Housing Is Worrying A Lot Of Americans

When we talk about affordable housing, one might be forgiven to assume that nothing can go wrong here. After all, it’s affordable housing, how can it be a bad thing for anyone, right? The thing is, given how the economy has been, the prices of the average home are skyrocketing. This has led to the younger generations worrying about what might be available to them in the future. 

About half of the current population (49%, to be specific) are worried about the availability of affordable housing in their community. This number has only gone worse from when it was first called out in 2018. And this isn’t solely a problem for younger generations. Understandably, lower-income individuals share this sentiment, along with urban residents given how urban real estate has never really been cheap. 

What’s telling about this statistic is how affordable housing has become a bigger priority for concerned individuals, even bigger than the usual community concerns. To be specific, approximately 22% of Americans find housing to be a more important problem than crime and about 35% believe it to be a bigger problem than drug addiction.

Race plays a role here as well. About 57% of racial minorities share the concern about affordable housing in their area. Meanwhile, only about 44% agree that the lack of affordable housing is a cause for concern. The majority of urban dwellers, on the other hand, generally agree that affordable housing is a cause for concern. This surprisingly remains the same throughout the different income levels but 66% of lower-income adults all worry about affordable housing in their city. 

It should be noted though that the location in America plays a big part in this problem. For example, two-thirds of Americans living on the west coast see affordable housing to be a problem but only 49% of Americans in the northeast see this as a problem. In the south, 44% of southerners are concerned while only 33% are in the midwest.

This is the reason that shared housing is becoming a more popular option, not just for the youth but for seniors as well. This is considered a viable option as living in assisted-living facilities can often be expensive, making it difficult to maintain a certain lifestyle. In other countries though, the opposite is what happens, where senior care homes offer youth discounted housing in exchange for companionship for the elderly. 

Thankfully, more and more shared living spaces are being opened in America. These spaces are available to share regardless of age. This helps people find options for accessible and affordable housing within their community. This comes with the bonus of developing a network of friends and associates within the living space. 

This idea isn’t anything new. The National Shared Housing Resource Center currently lists 40 formal home-sharing services in the United States. These housing centers can even help match individuals that share an interest or are perceived to work well together to make the experience much more enjoyable for everybody. 


At the end of the day, while things may seem difficult, taking a look at it from a different perspective can help. Yes, traditional housing options may be difficult to afford right now but new ways are being offered to have what we need at an affordable price. As they always say, change is something we can expect at any time. In this case, it’s how we as a society treat affordable housing. 

If you’re looking for shared housing in Sacramento, then you’ve come to the right place. We here at Stayhaven Homes are dedicated to helping our clients by providing them with inclusive and affordable housing. We provide a wide variety of special needs housing options for adult men and women. For more information on what we can do for you, visit our website today!

10 Tips to Be a Good Housemate in a Shared Housing

Shared accommodation houses people from different backgrounds and ethnicities, and living close to strangers can be a challenge. Therefore, it’s important to have some general social etiquette when living with others. Here are some tips to help you become a good housemate:

1. Chip In

Each person needs to chip in for their share of the household expenses and chores. Be fair and respectful, and don’t take advantage of your housemates.

2. Respect Other People’s Boundaries

Respect each other’s privacy, personal space, and belongings. This can help avoid conflicts such as noisy neighbors or a messy roommate.

3. Communicate

Shared accommodation is the perfect environment to foster a good relationship with your housemates and form a network of people to hang out with outside of the house. Take the time to get to know one another and keep communications open.

4. Be Considerate

Your housemates are there to live with you, not for you to entertain them. Try to be respectful of one another’s time, belongings, and privacy.

5. Be Polite and Mind Your Manners

The golden rule is to treat others how you would like to be treated. Try to be polite and considerate, and treat others with respect. Try not to leave a mess and keep your room tidy as much as possible.

6. Clean Up After Yourself

You are responsible for your own mess, so keep the house clean and tidy. If you cook, wash up and make sure your kitchen is clean. If you have a dog, make sure to clean up after it.

7. Keep an Open Dialogue

Keep an open dialogue with your housemates about issues bothering you. This can include anything from a messy roommate to someone playing music too loud.

8. Be a Good Neighbor

Remember that your housemates aren’t the only ones living on the property. Try to be a good neighbor and respect the other tenants by cleaning up after yourself and keeping noise minimal.

9. Be Flexible

Shared accommodation often means living with people of a wide range of ages, lifestyles, and living habits. Be open to different ways of living and try your best to be flexible and adaptable.

10. Get to Know Your Sharing Agreement

Before signing a shared accommodation contract, make sure you understand your agreement with the landlord. This can include anything from house rules to cleaning responsibilities.

How to Find a Good Shared Accommodation

Finding a good shared accommodation can be time-consuming, but the benefits of living in one often outweigh the challenges. It’s important to do your research and follow all the necessary steps. Here’s how to find a good shared accommodation:

Get Your Budget Ready

Before looking for a place to live, you’ll want to know how much you can afford to pay in rent and bills each month. Having a firm budget in mind is important, so you can avoid overspending once you find a place to live.

Start Looking for Available Properties

Once you have your budget ready, you’re ready to start looking for shared accommodation properties in your area. Use classified ads, online ads, and local newspapers to help you find a property.

Pay a Visit and Have a Look Around

After you’ve found a property you’re interested in, make an appointment to check out the property and meet the landlord. Ask the landlord any questions you have about the property, and try to get a feel of the place before deciding if this is where you want to live.

Take the Time to Get to Know the Landlord

The landlord will have a lot of responsibilities when it comes to managing the shared accommodation, so it’s important to find a landlord who can take care of the property and be an effective landlord. Take the time to see if you’re a good match.

In a Nutshell

Shared accommodation is a great way to live in an affordable, convenient location. It’s important to be comfortable in your place, so it helps to keep a good relationship with your housemates so you won’t have to deal with any stressful situations during your stay.

Are you looking for shared housing in Stanislaus? Stayhaven Homes offers rooms and beds in shared housing. Contact us!

5 Helpful Tips to Living a Harmonious Shared Home Life

Moving into a shared home has a lot of benefits. You get to have a roof over your head, a community you can rely on, and a place where you can be yourself.

However, since you’ll be living with strangers, things can get awkward at the beginning. Fortunately, here are a few things that can help you live a harmonious shared house life.

Make Friends

Socializing while living in a shared house with other people is inevitable. Regardless of whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, you can expect to do some level of socializing. 

Meeting new people and making friends can make life easier. For example, you can be friends with people who have been in the house longer. They can teach you the ropes while you figure out how to make a place for yourself.

Remember, the key to socializing is to give and take. Share your stories, but pay attention to when someone else is talking. You want them to know more about you, but you also want to know more about them.

Be Nice

Being nice is not only about what you can give your roommates or housemates; it’s about being a good person. Respect everyone’s space, do your part in the house upkeep, and be mindful of what you’re doing.

Speaking to your housemates about their boundaries early on is a great idea. You will learn how to live peacefully with them, helping you bond more. Try eating with them, and broach the subject while you’re at it.

Create Your Haven

Your room is now your safe space, so go ahead and decorate it as you like. But before you make big changes to the room, like changing the wall color, check with the administration first. 

Some homes will allow you to repaint the room, but others don’t. If your house doesn’t approve of repainting your walls, you can tack on your favorite posters or make a photo wall instead.

If your room has a lot more height than floor space, use it. You can add hooks to the walls to hang your clothes or accessories. You can also go to the thrift store and dollar store to find affordable décor to make your room feel like home.


The trick to living with limited floor space is to keep it clean and organized. Make sure that everything in your room has a place. You can use thrift store or dollar store storage containers. You can also upscale product packaging into custom storage containers.

Organizing your space is one thing, but keeping it in order is a separate issue. You just have to remember one thing to stay organized: Put everything back to where they belong when you’re done with them.

Get and Give Help

Although you live with other people, you are, in essence, living independently—that can be a scary thought. At the same time, when you share a house, you are not alone. This means that you can ask for help from your housemates when you need it, and you should lend a hand when you can.

If you think that asking for help is a sign of ignorance and weakness, you’re wrong. Asking for help shows a willingness to learn and grow. When you ask, you know things faster. Sure, you can try to figure things out alone, but that would be a slow learning process. It can involve a lot of mishaps too.


Living in a shared house can be a wonderful experience that you will remember for the rest of your life. Try to make it a good one. Build connections, respect people, be nice, and have fun.

Stayhaven Homes offers affordable shared housing in Stanislaus, Merced, and Sacramento. We proudly provide special housing options for teens, the elderly, veterans, and more. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you! 

Tips in Keeping and Sharing a Budget with Roommates

Roommates can help you save money on rent and help you move into a nicer apartment or a safer neighborhood. However, negotiating finances with friends (or strangers) can be risky, especially if you share a room and your roommates are not always prompt with their payments. Luckily, we’ve got some tips for you on keeping and sharing a budget with your roommates.

Collaborate in Decision-Making 

Whether you’re moving in with a new friend or adding to your family, making financial decisions as a group can be extremely beneficial. Consider convening a meeting right away to discuss cost sharing. 

Make a Checklist 

Make a list of the items you and your roommates already own and can bring to the apartment for communal use before moving in.

Maintain a Record of Monthly Expenses 

Cohabiting frequently entails sharing more than just rent and utility bills. Consider sitting down with your roommates to discuss what monthly expenses, aside from rent and utilities, will be shared and how these costs will be split. Subscription services such as video streaming are available. 

Divide Bills Evenly

Given the difficulty of determining who used the most electricity or Netflix, it might be best to simply divide the bill evenly. This method saves time and energy, and it may be the most equitable. 

Choose One Bill Payer

To make things easier, assign bill paying to a single person (and ensure that no bills fall through the cracks). Everyone else can send money to this person before each month’s bills are due. 

Keep Track of Expenses

Make a list of each person’s expenses and the amount they can expect to pay each month so that no one is surprised when it comes time to pay the bills. 

Distribute Household Goods 

After you’ve determined your non-negotiable monthly expenses, you might want to think about how you’ll manage the cost of household supplies. 

Make the Choice to Share Groceries 

Even if your food tastes differ and you buy the majority of your groceries separately, sharing staples like milk, coffee, juice, and even rice or quinoa can help you save money. To save money, if you cook together on a weekly basis, you might want to share groceries. 

Differentiate Certain Purchases 

Sharing a couch does not imply splitting the bill. While the cost of furnishings and electronics for your rental may appear reasonable, consider what happens when your lease expires. 

Unless you and your roommates plan to sell everything and split the proceeds, paying for items separately can help you save money in the long run. 

Work on A Budget Together

Before you start shopping for groceries or other household items with your roommate, you should sit down and plan out a monthly budget. Getting on the same page about monthly expenses can help you avoid future financial squabbles. 

Create a Contract Agreement Among Roommates 

Your first roommate contract should be separate from your landlord’s rental agreement. 

Defining Damages Liability 

Discuss who will pay for any unexpected expenses, such as damage to your rental. You may agree (and document) that whoever causes harm must bear the consequences. 

Divided Security Deposits 

The security deposit is expected to be paid by all roommates. As a result, they’ll all be equally invested in keeping the property in good condition so that they can recoup their investment when they leave. 

Barbecues and Super Bowl parties are great ways for roommates and their friends to get to know one another. All roommates can contribute to making the celebration both enjoyable and affordable. 

Hold Monthly Meetings 

Give everyone an opportunity to express their concerns and work toward resolution by holding monthly meetings to discuss finances and other issues. 

Don’t Shoulder Costs

If you are financially responsible for your roommates, it may be simpler to pay the bills yourself and then collect from them later. If your roommates are slow to repay you, this could put you in a bind. 


Living with roommates could be fun until it isn’t. Most of the time, the root of tension in a home could be behavior and attitude towards finances. As such, set some house rules with your roommates with these tips and tricks. This way, you can agree upon things unanimously!

Are you looking for affordable shared housing? Modesto’s Stayhaven Homes provides inexpensive and specialized housing for a variety of special needs groups. Our properties and services are the best in our city and adjacent areas because we believe in safe, economical, all-inclusive living. Contact us today!

A Practical Approach to Address Homelessness

Homelessness remains rampant as home prices go up. With many people losing their jobs over the unfortunate events happening globally, many are faced with limited housing options. For some, they either rent or get a mortgage, which are both expensive. 

Fortunately, there are now more affordable housing options to address this problem. And this includes shared housing.

What is Shared Housing? 

Shared housing involves unrelated tenants who agree to share housing costs and common spaces. This type of affordable housing option is an effective crisis response to address homelessness in the US. 

That said, there is a growing number of successful shared housing programs across the country.

Shared Housing Helps Extend the System’s Capacity to Move More People Out of Homelessness

Shared housing can be seen as a stepping stone to a higher standard of living. As tenants share housing costs, this allows them to save money for their own place. In the meantime, shared housing can help more people move out of homelessness and into permanent housing.

The Advantages of Shared Housing

There are many advantages of shared housing which include:

  • Availability: Shared housing programs are readily available across the country. 
  • Focus: Shared housing programs focus specifically on housing the homeless.
  • Flexible: Shared housing programs can be flexible in nature and can adapt to the needs of the homeless, unlike traditional housing programs.
  • Innovation: Shared housing programs can be innovative in terms of addressing the needs of the growing homeless population. 

Shared Housing in Micro-Communities

Micro-communities are now a part of the shared housing model. It provides tenants with an option to live in a more communal and friendly environment. The concept of micro-communities is to provide housing units that are smaller but more in number. Each unit can be more affordable, and tenants can also be closer to each other, making it easier for them to socialize.

Micro-communities can be a cheaper option for housing than larger developments. This is because micro-communities can be built in smaller areas, thus reducing the need for more infrastructure to be built.

Micro-communities have proven to be a success in Hawaii, where they’re called lanai houses. They’re also popular in the Western European housing market.

Shared Housing Must Reflect the Needs of the Homeless

Shared housing must be flexible enough to respond to the needs of the homeless. This can include the types of homes, community services, and support programs. In addition to that, the shared housing should work in partnership with non-profit organizations and local government entities.

The Future of Shared Housing

Shared housing is changing the way social services approach homelessness. It’s a successful model and can be a stepping stone to moving people out of homelessness back into permanent housing.

Wrap Up

Shared housing has been a successful model for getting people out of homelessness and helping them move into permanent housing. It’s a partnership among the government, corporations, and nonprofits to offer affordable housing options to the homeless. In the long run, shared housing will help reduce the homeless population across the country.

Are you looking for shared housing in Stanislaus County, CA? Stayhaven Homes provides affordable and specialized housing. Our properties and services are of the highest caliber in the city. We are committed to safe, affordable, all-inclusive living environments. Get in touch with us.

How Loneliness Can Hamper Your Journey to Sobriety

Many of you may not know this but loneliness can get in the way of sobriety. This is alarming as this can be a real hindrance to an individual’s journey to sobriety. Because of this, we thought it would be useful to have a brief discussion on this subject. If this is something that you want to learn more about, read on as we discuss how loneliness can hamper your journey to sobriety.

Understanding the Difference Between Loneliness and Being Alone

It’s important to understand that there is a difference between loneliness and being alone. In sobriety, alone time is often needed as a restorative period that makes socializing more enjoyable in the long run. However, being alone does not always mean feeling lonely. In fact, you can be lonely even if you are with other people.

Instead of looking at loneliness as an emotion caused by being alone, it’s better to view it as a state of mind. Loneliness is the perception of being disconnected from everyone else whether or not you are in close proximity with other people. 

People who feel lonely often have low self-esteem. Factors such as feeling worthless, feeling guilty, being mentally distressed, and having poor coping skills can cause someone to feel lonely.

Loneliness and Sobriety

It may not seem like loneliness is a potential trigger for relapse, but isolation can be extremely impactful. Loneliness has long been tied to high-risk behavior like substance abuse. As a result, people in recovery may succumb to the temptation of old behaviors in these moments of weakness.

For example, you could be separated from family members while you are going through treatment, or you could be living on your own after rehabilitation, and you don’t have a community of friends or supportive individuals to help you through the tough times. You might feel like you’re facing life’s challenges alone, but this isn’t the case.

The earliest steps of recovery from addiction can be especially painful, as you begin to face up to the way you have hurt those close to you by your addiction and the damage to your relationships. It is easy, in the midst of these emotions, to feel lonely and try to soothe the pain with something false, such as alcohol or drugs. This is why loneliness plays a big role when it comes to people living in sobriety to relapse.

Best Ways to Deal With Loneliness In Sobriety

Although loneliness can be difficult in sobriety, it can be combated in many positive ways. To help make things easier for you, here are a couple of ways to deal with loneliness in sobriety.

If you’re still struggling with loneliness and need support, consider talking to a therapist. A licensed therapist can help you talk through your feelings of loneliness, as well as uncover any issues that may be contributing to this distressing emotion. Therapy can help you process these emotions in a safe and supportive environment.

Attending AA meetings is a great way to make new friends and meet people who are dedicated to their sobriety. The AA community encourages individuals to care deeply for their physical and emotional well-being, knowing that loneliness can be one of the primary causes of relapse.


We hope this article proves to be useful when it comes to helping you understand the effect that loneliness can have on sobriety. As you can see, loneliness can really get in the way of sobriety. Be sure to take everything you learned here and apply it to your life so you can best navigate sobriety.

Are you looking for affordable shared housing in Stanislaus County, CA? Stayhaven Homes is worth checking out. We offer specialized housing programs for populations with special needs, including seniors, veterans, disabled people, low-income individuals, sober-living persons, and other similar concerns. Contact us today to learn more.

How Living In Shared Housing Can Protect You From Scams

One of the benefits of living in shared housing that you might not know about is scam protection. Scammers prey on the vulnerable and the lonely, and many older people don’t understand the digital world. They’ve lost their savings, and many have given away cash to victims on their computers, even when their computers were supposedly protected by strong passwords. They’ve even taken money out of their bank accounts and sent it directly to scammers. 

Now, you may not be fully convinced of how shared housing can help protect you from scams. To help you out, we thought it would be useful to put together a brief article talking about this topic. If you want to learn more about this, read on as we break down how living in shared housing can protect you from scams.

Your Housemates Can Help Stop Scams

Scammers create a spell. They mesmerize their subjects by creating fear. Scammers scare their subjects with messages that scream on-screen, “Your account has been compromised. There’s an urgency to the message. These scammers purposely short-circuit rational thinking with fear.

The thing that you have to understand about scams is that they usually target those who are most vulnerable. This can be because they lack knowledge of technology or they may live alone. Shared housing addresses both of these issues. If you live with other people, you are far less likely to fall victim to a scam as you’ll have more people to stop you from doing something foolish. 

Your Housemates Can Help Educate You on Technology

As we’ve already mentioned, scammers victimize people who are uneducated on technology. Shared housing fixes this issue as your housemates can help make up for your lack of knowledge on technology. If you see a distressing message or a suspicious email, it would be best to ask your housemates about it before doing anything too drastic. While this may not seem like a big deal, it can make a world of a difference when it comes to preventing scams.

Your Housemates Can Prevent Scammers From Victimizing You

While many scams happen over the internet, some scammers have also utilized phones. They call unsuspecting victims and pretend to be the IRS, the Social Security Administration, or a credit card company in order to steal money. Their schemes usually are often successful as their targets usually live alone with no one to intervene. This isn’t a problem with shared housing. Before you fall victim to scammers, your housemates may notice that something is amiss and can help prevent you from losing money to scammers.


We hope this article proves to be useful when it comes to furthering your understanding of how shared housing can help protect you from scams. As you can see, simply having people around you is a great way to stop potential scams. Be sure to keep all of this information in mind so that you can protect your housemates from scams as well.

If you’re looking for shared housing in Sacramento, then you’ve come to the right place. We here at Stayhaven Homes are dedicated to helping our clients by providing them with inclusive and affordable housing. We provide a wide variety of special needs housing options for adult men and women. For more information on what we can do for you, visit our website today!

Why Socialization Is Important for Senior Wellness

The need for socialization and interaction does not go away simply because one has hit a certain age. Many times, older adults start to suffer more health problems when they live alone and have no community to engage with.

The need for accessible social circles is what makes shared housing such a helpful and sought-after living situation for seniors. This goes beyond nursing homes for those that need additional care, too. There are so many communities built for elderly individuals and help them thrive in this stage of their life.

The significance of socialization for seniors and their well-being cannot be understated.

It Helps Fight Depression and Anxiety

Older adults are just as susceptible to depression and anxiety as anyone else. In fact, many seniors become more prone to developing these mental health issues when they do not have a strong social network.

Isolation and feelings of abandonment can push feelings of depression and anxiety over the edge. Living with a community of like-minded individuals can help seniors keep these feelings at bay. Not only will it promote a positive environment but also give them room to express their feelings with people in the same boat.

Seniors Get to Maintain a Sense of Community

When seniors have the chance to live in a space centered around their age group, it gives them the opportunity to maintain a sense of place and community. This can go a long way in terms of helping them to cope with changes in their life and any previous social circle.

Much joy and peace can be taken from having a place in society. In times of retirement, it can be difficult to separate one’s identity from the working individual. With continued socialization, older people can maintain their feelings of worth in self and society.

Consistent Engagement is Good for Memory

Not only is socialization good for your self-esteem and other mental health factors, but it also helps keep memory and cognition intact. Studies have shown that those with a strong social engagement tend to have a more active brain function and better memory retention than those that do not.

Simple acts such as hanging out, having conversations, and doing different activities can keep up the engagement that the brain needs to sustain recall and episodic memory.

More Activities Can Maintain Mobility and Cognition

With time, physical and cognitive decline is going to be a challenge for everyone. Quality of life is at stake when it becomes hard to move around and think clearly. In order to live in a state of wellness, it is crucial to engage in activities that are fun but can keep you up and moving.

For older individuals, it’s more motivating to try out different activities that keep up their motor and motor functions when it can be done with others.


Shared housing is a great way for seniors to enjoy their later years and stay in a supportive community. The community is ideal for those with physical and mental limitations, too. With enough socialization, there’s no reason this chapter of one’s life needs to feel empty and restrictive.

Stayhaven Homes offers the best affordable shared housing in Stanislaus. We understand the need for inclusive living environments, so contact us for a free tour and appointment. 

5 Tips to Improving Mental Health For Seniors

The world is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of mental health awareness, but while most focus on its impact on the younger generation and working class, not a lot pays attention to senior citizens’ cognitive and emotional state. Your elderly loved ones can struggle with mental and emotional afflictions for various reasons, including loneliness, grief, major changes in one’s lifestyle, and other pressures of getting older. 

Cognitive and Emotional Decline in Aging People

Several mental conditions can affect the elderly in greater numbers than younger people, and in most cases, they can have a major impact on their overall quality of life. Elderly people are often in more need of a stable and joyful life to retain their energy and stay productive, and it is upon us to ensure that this is not taken away from them too soon or because of our neglect to provide them with the appropriate care.

What to Do to Improve Mental Health in Seniors

Tip #1: Keep the Mind Active by Playing Games with Them 

The first thing to address when caring for your elderly parent with cognitive and emotional decline is to keep their mind active, as this helps them stay alert. You can engage in a number of activities with them or let them play games on their own, like crossword puzzles, chess, or card games. 

Try to ensure that you check with them if they want to play a particular game, or better yet, involve them in deciding on the activity you will do together. This way, keep them in charge of their own activity, boosting their self-esteem. 

Tip #2: Never Cut them Off from Social Interaction

Social connection is essential for good mental health for the elderly, and cutting them off from others can hit them hard. Instead, try to foster social connection with them, like a group of family and friends who visit them often and stay connected.

If they don’t have anyone visiting them, you can try to set them up with a meeting at a nearby senior center. When interacting with them, talk to them about their life, interests, and family to keep them engaged in the things that matter to them, as this can help immensely with their mental health.

Tip #3: Don’t Ignore their Emotional State

Despite being emotionally mature and in control, elderly people can suffer from emotional distress and display it in many ways. They may become reclusive, lose interest in their hobbies and usual activities, and may even express their distress through crying and anger.

While their emotions are valid, it is important to address them, as ignoring their emotional health is a major cause of stress. Be receptive to your parent’s emotions, and keep an open dialogue to help them cope with their feelings. Show them that you are willing to listen, and suggest different activities and ways to deal with the feelings they are experiencing.

Tip #4: Encourage Physical Activity

Elderly people can experience a number of changes in their physical health, especially when it comes to mobility limitations and pain. Studies have shown that moderate physical activity can help improve their mental health.

This does not have to mean exercise. You can encourage your parent to do some light exercise with you, like taking a walk during the day or gardening in their backyard. Light physical activity like this can help them burn the day’s stress and may even make them feel younger again.

Tip #5: Ensure Proper Sleep and Diet 

Insufficient sleep and poor nutrition can both contribute to mental and emotional decline. Your elderly parent may require longer sleep hours or frequent naps to feel well-rested. If they are not too uncomfortable with it, try to encourage them to take naps in the morning and before bed at night.

A healthy diet is also essential, and helps with overall mental health as well. Make sure that they are eating a balanced diet and are not skipping meals. Once you are sure that their diet is satisfactory, it may be beneficial to have their vitamin and mineral levels checked with their doctor.

The Bottom Line: Protecting and Improving Your Senior Family’s Mental Health 

When it comes to the care of your elderly loved ones, it is vital to not overlook their mental health, as it is just as important as their physical health. Address their mental health needs the same way you would address their physical health, and, if you notice any decline in their mental health, seek medical attention early rather than later.

Are You Looking for Shared Housing in Stanislaus County, CA?

Finding a comfortable living space is an expensive journey, but if you’re not ready to settle down into a home you can call your own or even an apartment, then it’s worth finding your temporary abode in rooms for rent.

Stayhaven Homes can give you a safe haven without breaking the bank with our shared housing services, so get in touch with us at 209-280-0776 and see how we can help you live in a community that strives to put an affordable roof above anyone’s head. 

6 Key Benefits of Shared Accommodations for Seniors

Though it was once only reserved for college kids, shared housing is a rising trend for the older population. Seniors are now appreciating the benefits of shared housing, especially as they transition into a new type of lifestyle.

If you’re wondering whether shared housing services will be a residential set-up perfect for you or a senior loved one, here are some benefits you must consider in your decision.

1. Access to Emergency Help

Senior adults who have grown accustomed to living alone might find it difficult to ask for help when they need it. With this type of arrangement, though, they can take advantage of the help provided by their housemates.

For example, housemates can use the shared funds for repairs when there’s a plumbing issue in the house. Alternatively, seniors can also turn to their housemates to handle household chores. This can be especially beneficial when they have health limitations or mobility issues.

2. Save Some Money

Some seniors have to deal with rising medical expenses due to their complex medical needs. Still, shared housing can help them save on these costs by decreasing the likelihood of medical emergencies. Seniors living in shared housing can also save some money because they can share the cost of living.

3. Have a Sense of Community

Independent living can be very lonely, especially if you spend a lot of time alone at home. The easiest way to tackle this issue is by joining in on social activities in the senior community.

Through housemates, seniors can also share stories, enjoy music and other forms of entertainment with one another, and even eat meals together in the house.

4. Share Housing Responsibilities with Others

Seniors can also share the responsibilities of housework with their housemates. This is a great option, especially if they don’t have anyone else to rely on who is living in their area.

It can also be rewarding to share the responsibility for chores and other household maintenance tips, especially if they don’t have enough time to go over it independently.

5. Improve Mental Health

Seniors who live alone may experience mental health issues such as depression, and shared housing can alleviate this. Due to its social nature, a shared housing arrangement can provide seniors the chance to interact with people who can help them maintain their social life and even develop new relationships.

6. Stay Active

Since seniors will be living with others, they don’t have to worry about finding activities to participate in. They will have the opportunity to challenge themselves to try new things, whether it’s joining in on social events or attending classes.

This is also an excellent way for seniors to learn new things to bring back to their own homes.

Final Thoughts

Just like any other senior living arrangement, shared housing is not for everyone. There will be pros and cons to consider, and seniors must think of their own needs regarding shared accommodation before making a decision.

However, shared housing is an excellent option for seniors looking to save money on housing while also getting social interaction with other people.

Are you looking for affordable shared housing in Stanislaus County, CA? Stayhaven Homes is worth checking out. We offer specialized housing programs for populations with special needs, including seniors, veterans, disabled people, low-income individuals, sober-living persons, and other similar concerns. Contact us today to learn more.