Category Archives: Group Homes

6 Key House Rules to Maintain Good Relationships with Housemates

Successful house shares depend on the people you live with. Conversations with people living in house shares reveal that they view residing with one another as lucky. Many of them talk about setting the ground rules early on and letting their housemates know what is important to them.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself and future housemates on how to create harmony in a successful house share:

1. Maintain Cleanliness in the Home

The most common cause of conflict in a house share is dirt. Whether it’s a lack of cleaning or not taking responsibility for the mess left by others, it’s a subject that causes friction in any house share. People are far less likely to get on if they feel that someone else is not pulling their weight.

2. Tell Them Your Important Daily Habits

If you are a neat freak and need to know when the kitchen will be clear to make a cup of coffee, if you need the bathroom at a specific time every day or if you have a strict schedule for heading to bed at night, you must let new housemates know. Housemates will often assume that you share their way of life and will be upset when they are not consulted about your needs.

3. Stay Accountable for Your Own Belongings

If your housemates lose something of yours, you should consider it your own fault for not owning it securely. You can’t expect other people to look after your valuables or keep tabs on your possessions. And if that’s not the case, you need to go back to your own house. If a deadbolt and a front-door lock are not enough to secure your valuables, you should consider looking for a new place.

4. Agree to Your Extent of Socialization

If you are the type who often wants to stay in and watch TV while your housemates want to spend the evening out, you must understand with your housemates about what you are going to do. You can either settle on a fair time to stay home or agree that you will all spend different amounts of time out of the house.

5. Discuss Sharing Expenses

Before moving in, you need to come to a clear and fair agreement about how bills will be paid. There are several ways in which bills can be paid, and these can depend on your budget and situation. Be clear about how much you expect to pay and how much housemates should pay.

6. Discuss Terms on Having Guests Over

If you have more friends than your housemates, you need to discuss the terms of having them over with your housemates. Is it okay for them to have their friends over? If so, how many? Are they allowed to stay overnight? Are they allowed to smoke in the house or leave the dishes in the sink? If you don’t come to an understanding, then you will probably end up with a problem.


While living alone may be less expensive, it’s important to understand that living with housemates can lead to great savings, and it’s a fresh experience that can help you have a balanced life. While it does take effort and time to maintain peaceful relationships with housemates, it’s all worth it.

Stayhaven Homes provides rooms and beds available in shared housing in Modesto, California. Since we opened our first room share home, we have provided a wide variety of special needs populations with affordable and specialized housing. Our properties and services are of the highest caliber in our city and local area due to our commitment to safe, affordable all-inclusive living environments. If you’re looking for shared housing in San Joaquin, look no further! Call us at 209-280-0776 now for a virtual tour!

Your Guide to Moving Into a Shared Home Seamlessly

Moving into a new place can be an overwhelming experience, especially if you are sharing a home with someone you probably will meet for the first time. You must find the support you need to make sure any issues that can make your move uncomfortable are alleviated. Below, you will find a few things that you need to consider and prepare to ensure that your move is as smooth as possible.

Confirm the Location

If you are moving into a house with a family or an individual, it is important that you confirm the location prior to moving in. This will help you plan accordingly, making the move much more seamless. You will also need to see if you can move in at an earlier time or if there is anything specific about the area that you need to consider before making your decisions.

Talk to Your New Roommate

Even if you have a lease in place, it is crucial that you talk to your new roommate about any specifics that you need to be aware of. You should also make your roommate aware of any areas that you would like to have improved or repaired so that they can move the process along with your cooperation.

Pay Attention to the Tenants

If you are moving into a home with other tenants, it is important that you look at them and their behavior. You need to make sure that you are comfortable with the tenants and the rules they have established in the home since you will probably be spending a lot of time together. This will help you form a great bond with people with whom you will be under one roof.

Look Out for the Safety of the House

If your shared home has a pool or a garage, it is important that you look at both before moving in to ensure that they are safe. This will ensure that you can enjoy your stay in your new home and that you are not worried about your and your housemates’ safety.

Get to Know Your Roommates

When you move into a new home with roommates, you will have the benefit of having a new family. You will have someone that you can rely on if you need anything, so make sure you integrate into the home easily by taking the time to know your housemates and their personalities.

Prepare Your Mind to Live in a New Place

If you are moving into a shared home, it is vital that you prepare yourself for a new living situation. It will likely be an overwhelming experience, but the good thing is you will also find people who can be your next friends and family. Remember that you are with new people, and they may have their own ideas on how to run the home. You must work with them in an amicable manner and remain open to their ideas.


Moving into a shared home can be a great way to save money and have a new family to rely on. It is important that you are aware of what you are getting into and take the time to make the most of your accommodations.

Are you looking for shared housing in San Joaquin? Check out Stayhaven Homes. Our properties and services are of the highest caliber in our city and local area due to our commitment to safe, affordable all-inclusive living environments. Call now!

Top Tips For Shared Living and How to Benefit from It

There are many benefits that come with shared living. However, many people often overlook this option for living because they are unsure of how they will handle themselves in this type of living arrangement. If you are about to start your shared living experience, this blog post will shed light on the best tips to make the best out of it.

Top Tips For Shared Living: How to Benefit from It

1 – Communicate Well

Communication is crucial to all relationships, including the ones you have with your roommates during your shared living experience. One way to communicate well is to keep the lines of communication open and to be open to listening. You never know when someone is going to approach you with a suggestion that will help you live a better life.

2 – Be Honest

If you are going to share a living space, you must be honest. This means being clear in terms of explaining your expectations and needs. If you have a low tolerance for cleanliness, it is best to let your roommates know beforehand. Although you may not get the response that you desire, your roommates will at least be aware of your needs. This way, everyone is aware of what to expect from each other.

3 – Be Accepting

Shared living can bring people from different age groups and personalities together. This can be a nice change. However, that means that you need to be more accepting of your roommates. For example, if you have a roommate who is a party animal, this does not mean that you need to be one, too. You should embrace your roommates and their personality.

4 – Be Flexible

When it comes to shared living, flexibility is key to living peacefully. You will want to put in your own stuff, but you need to be willing to get along with whatever your roommates want to do. If you have a roommate who is always late with the rent, you can be upset, but you must also be willing to work with each other to get the rent paid on time.

5 – Be Humble

Living with your roommates in a shared living space is a great way to learn more about yourself. When you are living with other people, you will have to get along with them and be humble. This means that you need to admit that you may be wrong every now and then. This is a great skill to have when you start living on your own.

6 – Keep the Space Clean

Shared living is not the same thing as living alone. You will most likely be sharing a space with roommates, so you need to keep the space clean. This means that if you spill something on the carpet, you need to clean it up, not just leave it there. As long as you are willing to clean up after yourself (and your roommates know how to keep clean as well), everyone will be happier.


These are just some of the top tips for shared living. If you are interested in living in shared living spaces, you should try to embrace these tips and the experience that comes with them.

If you are looking for a room for rent in Stanislaus, contact Stayhaven Homes. Our properties and services are of the highest caliber in our city and local area due to our commitment to safe, affordable all-inclusive living environments.

Living With Roommates: Here’s What To Do To Ensure Safety

Whether you live in an apartment, condo, or rental house, securing your home is important. It is more crucial if you live with other family members or friends. Having a roommate can be fun, but it also requires tight security needs.

Regardless of how close you are to the people you live with, setting boundaries is still essential to ensure that you live in the space you need. Just because you live in an apartment, condo, or rental house with other people does not mean that you have to sacrifice the privacy and security that you should have.

What to Do Before Getting a Roommate

If you plan to have a roommate soon, you can try these steps first to help give you peace of mind.

Ask for a Background Check

Before accepting a roommate to your place, do your research first. Find out if your prospective roommate has a criminal history, and inquire about any unpaid bills or financial obligations that they may have.

Ask for Their References

Contacting your potential roommate’s parents, partners, friends, employers, or former landlords can give you information about the kind of person your roommate is.

Take note of your potential roommate’s interactions with them. You will be able to determine whether or not this is someone you want to be with.

Have Them Sign a Lease

If you decide to live with your friend or romantic partner, you should formalize the living arrangement.

Signing a lease is not only a good idea to protect yourself but also to protect your roommate. If you decide to break up with your roommate or get a new one, having a lease will make things easier for you.

You may also want to take photos of the apartment before getting a new roommate. It is crucial to ensure that everything is well-documented and that you have proof when needed. 

If you rent a house, you should still have a roommate agreement. It can reduce your legal liabilities.

What to Do Once You Have a Roommate

Draw the Line

No matter how close you are to your roommate, you need to set boundaries. If you feel that you need more privacy, tell your new roommate. If you have a private room or a space with doors, let them know that this is the space where you will be spending the most time. It would be best to tell them that you need to have some alone time.

Protect Your Valuables

Protecting your valuables is essential, but the problem is that people do not value what they think they cannot lose. You should have the following things ready before bringing in your new roommate.

  • Home Inventory

Make a list of valuables that are in your home. It can include jewelry, electronics, furniture, and appliances. It will make it easier for you to file a claim should you lose something.

  • Methods for Locking Up

Lock up your home’s important areas. That can include your room, the common areas, and the garage. Doing this will help prevent your roommate from snooping on you or your things.

Install Security Cameras

Installing a security camera will protect you from theft and other kinds of attacks. It will also give you a way to check on your roommate’s activities.

When looking for security cameras, keep in mind that you do not need to install everything in your home. You can strategically install cameras in essential places such as the living area, bedroom, and other common areas.


Getting a roommate can be fun and a great way to save money. But how you approach the living situation will determine how much you will enjoy your time with your roommate. Preventing theft is not only a way to avoid breaking the law, but it is also a way to protect yourself from accidents. There are many ways to protect your home and your valuables.

How Does Shared Housing Impact Mental Health Today

House sharing is very popular these days. Why? It’s economical and socially viable for young adults. However, there needs to be a broader understanding of the effects of shared housing on mental health. 

The Study on House Sharing & Mental Health

A survey was conducted in Seoul, Korea, wherein 834 young, single adults living in shared houses and non-shared housing participated. The study found two results. The first one is that those in shared housing have a more positive attitude and show improvements in their mental health. Next, young adults that were forced to live in shared housing are more at risk of social dysfunction. 

Health Benefits of Shared Housing

Living in shared housing can potentially improve your mental health if you have a positive mindset. A positive mindset can affect our physical and mental health. Some of the health benefits include:

  • A sense of social support that can help reduce depression and anxiety
  • Networking and more opportunities to form new relationships
  • Better acclimatization to the outside world
  • Learning social skills
  • Learning to live with other people
  • Learning to share, compromise and communicate
  • Learning time management and self-discipline

On the other hand, living in shared housing can also be a risk factor for mental health if you have a negative attitude. More specifically, it can be a risk factor for social dysfunction. Some of the negative attitude risks include:

  • Hostility, aggression, and anti-social behavior
  • Less social support
  • Lack of interest in social activities
  • More conflict with your housemates

The Importance of Being Okay with Shared Housing

Living with other people can be a good thing if that’s what you want. Therefore, it all comes down to your preferences and how you view them.

The following are some positive ways to look at shared housing:

  • Shared housing is a stepping stone to success
  • You learn to live with other people and be more understanding
  • You have more freedom to do what you want when you want
  • You can save money and have more disposable income
  • You get to learn to compromise and live with other people
  • Shared housing is fun
  • You learn to appreciate other people
  • You get a new perspective on life

One of the most important things to keep in mind is that shared housing is not for everyone. It’s for people that don’t want to live alone. If you prefer to live alone, it’s much better to be honest about it and move on.

As long as you have a positive attitude, living in shared housing should be beneficial to your health.

How to Find Shared Housing in the US

When looking for shared housing, consider the following:

  • Make sure you have a private room
  • Ask to see the room before committing
  • Have a roommate agreement
  • Look for an affordable place
  • Use social media and online forums to research the house and surrounding area
  • Ask the landlord if you can get a picture of the surrounding area

Share a Living Space Today

Overall, shared housing is the best option for young adults because it gives them the benefit of living on their own without the financial burden that comes with it and the burden of other adult responsibilities. It allows young adults to learn to interact with people from all walks of life.

Are you looking for room sharing in Stanislaus County, CA and Modesto, CA? Stayhaven Homes offers affordable and specialized housing. Get started now!

Pointers for Finding a Rental When Relocating to a New City

If you’re moving to a new city and you only have a specific budget to spare for rent, you should tap into your resourcefulness because you will need it. Finding a place to rent might be difficult, and you don’t want to risk it and accept a lease in a location that lacks amenities or demands a long daily commute. 

Long before you rent a moving truck, think about the important elements that make up your dream home, as well as the actions you’ll need to take to get it. 

Take your time and do it correctly, and you’ll have a lot better chance of producing something fantastic. Here are helpful pointers to help you get started.

Begin Your Rent Hunting as Soon as Possible

If possible, begin researching your new city’s housing alternatives at least a few months before you apply for a lease. You may be certain that you know exactly what you’re looking for this way. 

Examine general neighborhood ratings and average rental pricing, and immerse yourself in the local scene as much as possible. Living in a city is considerably different from visiting one, and you’ll want to take your time getting to know the area before deciding where to rent.

Get to Know the Neighborhood Market

Once you’ve decided on the neighborhood or communities you’d like to live in, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with their rental markets. 

How much does a month’s rent cost on average? When a unit is listed, how long does it take for it to be rented? What kind of amenities should you anticipate? Answering these questions will assist you in setting your expectations and guiding your search. 

Take a look at real estate blogs for the locations you’re interested in and skim through a lot of internet listings to get a sense of the kind of rental possibilities available and what it takes to secure one.

Get a Rental Agent If You’re Unsure of How to Proceed

A rental agency will already be familiar with your new city and will be able to provide you with options depending on your preferred location, budget, wish list, and anticipated move-in date. Rental agencies are invaluable resources, especially if you’re having trouble narrowing down your selections or are completely bewildered and unsure where to begin. 

It won’t cost you anything to employ their services because their fees are paid by the landlord or property manager, who you eventually end up leasing.

Don’t Miss an Opportunity to See the New Place

Photos can only convey so much information. While renting a wonderful home without seeing it isn’t impossible, it doesn’t hurt to go see several listings in person. If possible, schedule showings for a weekend approximately a month before your relocation, either on your own or through an agency. 

In addition to being in the location, you can spend time getting a sense of the regions you’re interested in. It’s even better if the scheduling works out, and you can sign a lease while you’re there.

Be Careful of Scams

Renting in a new place, especially from afar, requires trusting your instincts and avoiding any renting conditions that raise red flags. Do your homework on any potential landlords, and never send cash, even if they ask for it. Even if you can’t see them in person, call the landlord to get a sense of their personality. 

Back out if you find yourself second-guessing a situation. If it means avoiding the chance of being scammed, it’s worth continuing your search.

Consider Renting a Room Share Home

You will find organizations that provide all-inclusive affordable housing to a wide range of special needs clients. These room share homes are dedicated to offering tenants clean, safe, all-inclusive living situations that they will not find anywhere else.


Finding a rental in a new city needs a lot of research and a little luck, but you’ll eventually find a wonderful place to call home in your new location. Stay positive and focused. The proper path to your new home is out there; all you have to do is find it.

Get the best room share home experience in California at Stayhaven Homes! We provide a wide variety of special needs populations with affordable and specialized housing. Contact us today to learn more!

Knowing Your Compatibility with a Roommate in Shared Housing

Owning a house in the United States has been quite challenging for many people due to the skyrocketing prices in the previous years. Fortunately, the concept of shared housing has been introduced, resulting in many people being roommates and splitting the utility bills every month, giving them lots of savings.

While the whole situation may seem straightforward, the truth is that people will always have their differences. That is why one must be compatible with the person they are going to share the house with; otherwise, there will be a definite case of conflict along the way.

The term compatibility simply refers to the fact that you may live with the other tenant in harmony. In such a case, you may take note of the following pointers that will determine how compatible you are with another person in a shared housing scenario.

1. Do You Have Similar Habits and Beliefs?

This is the first reason why you and the other tenant must have good compatibility. If you are both people who like routine and hate surprises, then you have excellent compatibility. In contrast, you may not have good compatibility if you and the other person are completely different.

2. Do You Know Each Other?

There are many reasons why you need to know each other a little before deciding on living together in a shared housing scenario. To start with, you need to keep your personal information and background private. This is also to let the other tenant know that you are a good person to live with.

3. Do You Want to Stay?

If you are planning on living with the other tenant for a long time, it is best if you are planning to stay for the long haul. This will show the other tenant that you are in the relationship for the long term. You must remember that you are planning to share your house with the other tenant for a long time, which is why you must both know each other well.

4. Do You Have a Sense of Humor?

This is something that the two of you should be mindful of. You must constantly be aware if you are looking forward to living in a place where you would need to laugh with the other tenant. If you are both people who like to joke, take note of this because it will help you both in many ways.

5. Do You Want to Live Within Your Means?

You will not want to live in a place with someone who is going to spend too much money without any sense of consideration about whether he can afford to pay the bills. This is why you must always be mindful of the other person’s financial condition.

6. Do You Have Respect for One Another?

Contrary to what many people think, it does not only refer to physical respect but also spiritual and mental respect. It is important to note that you are going to be living with the other person, so you must be mindful that you will need to respect the privacy of the other person.


If you really want to live within your means, then you must start living with someone else. In contrast, you must also make sure that you are going to be living with someone who can make it a fun experience. Always remember that you will have other people living in the same house as you, so you must always be mindful of the qualities you are going to look for.

Take note of our pointers above and see if you and the other tenant may have a harmonious life within shared housing.

If you are looking for available shared housing in San Joaquin, look no further than our options here at Stayhaven Homes. Since we opened our first shared home, we have provided a wide variety of special needs populations with affordable and specialized housing. Call us today for more information about our homes and their amenities.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Roommate

Every major decision you need in your life requires careful consideration. We shouldn’t rush into doing things without weighing their pros and cons first. From things that you do every day, like choosing what to eat to what career to pursue, where to live, and more, you need to consider many factors before arriving at a decision. 

The same goes for choosing a roommate. You might think it’s not as serious as choosing a life partner. However, you need to consider that this is someone who’s going to be living with you – sharing your space, seeing you at various stages of your life, and basically being present in your home every day. That certainly requires some serious thought. 

Stayhaven Homes, the best-shared housing in Modesto, California, discusses some of the factors you need to consider when choosing a roommate:


First, you need to ascertain if the person has a good enough moral compass to warrant your trust. This is important because you will be sharing things like your home (and your stuff), your money, and even your personal space with this person. The last thing you want to happen is for someone to take advantage of your generosity and loyalty.

Hence, it’s important to be certain that your roommate is not only a good person but that they’re also someone you can count on to keep your secrets and protect your personal details as well.

Capability to Share the Bills

Another thing you need to consider is whether you’re going to be able to share the bills with this person. For instance, if you have a water bill, you have to make sure that whoever you’re going to live with would be able to pay his share on time or risk your utilities getting shut off.

Hence, you need to make sure that this person is ready to take on their financial responsibilities and is prepared to face the consequences when things go wrong.


Aside from being able to pay your share of the bills, you need to be sure that your roommate is also able to be as considerate as possible – especially when it comes to cleanliness. After all, living in a place that’s cluttered and dirty is not only uncomfortable, but it’s unhealthy as well.

If you’re going to live with someone for an extended period of time, you need to be sure that they can help you keep the place clean and organized.

Habits and Hobbies

A person’s habits can either enhance or detract from the experience of living with them. If, for instance, your roommate likes to spend his weekends out of the house and you’re an introvert who needs time to relax, that’s not going to work out. In the same way, if you’re the type of person who gets a hangover easily or is trying to avoid drinking altogether, you might not like it if your roommate is a heavy drinker.


Finally, you need to make sure that your roommate’s schedule is going to work well with yours. You should be capable of having mutual understanding when it comes to things like house chores, getting groceries, and other things of that nature.


Many people mistakenly think that picking a roommate is something that doesn’t require a lot of thought. However, if you want to ensure a good experience while living in a shared house with someone, you need to do your homework and make sure that the person you’re going to live with is someone you can trust and enjoy being around.

Stayhaven Homes offers shared housing services in Modesto, California to those who are seeking affordable or specialized housing. Contact us today to learn more about our shared houses!

Room Share-Hunting Made Easier: Here’s All You Need to Do

It can be tricky to find a room share for rent, but we have an extensive guide to help you. Here’s the first thing to remember: try to avoid looking for an apartment or house for rent. The biggest hurdle you’ll face is a bad neighbor or an irresponsible roommate, but that’s nowhere near as common as dealing with an evil landlord. If you deal with them directly, you can be sure that they’re not against the subletting and that you’re legally renting the room.

Here’s how room share-hunting can be a much easier experience.

Consider Several Options

Some of the most common mistakes that room share enters make when searching for an apartment to live in is attempting to rush and find the first apartment they can. As a renter, you should take your time and look at a few different options before choosing one.

Another common mistake that renters make is failing to narrow down their options. Don’t think you should rent the first place you come across, especially if it seems too good to be true. Take the time to get multiple options to ensure that the site you rent is right for you.

If you decide that you do want to rent a particular apartment, be sure to schedule a tour or at least receive information about your future rental through e-mail or by telephone. Even though this step may seem like a hassle, it will prevent you from making a rushed decision based upon what may be inaccurate information.

Finalize Your Budget

Don’t jump to look at room share listings beyond your budget. Set your spendable amount and make a list of your needs first to narrow the list of apartments you want to see. 

Since you’re looking for a smaller room, it’s evident that your budget is limited. But knowing exactly how much you can afford will help you avoid getting over your head. You should do that before you start looking. See how much you can spend each month, and then look for apartments on or below that price level. 

Next, look for what you need in an apartment. Write down everything you need in an apartment, including closets and a workspace, and then look for listings with those specific amenities.

Finalize Your Choice of Furnished or Not

As we discussed earlier, you can have a minimal budget. The most popular way to save money when renting is if you find an unfurnished apartment or room. You need to decide whether you will be able to furnish it, or if you will bring your furniture.

Meet Your Potential Roommate

Although you’ll have multiple roommates in your future rental, you need to meet all of them in person and get to know them a bit. You should remember that these people will be your neighbors and live with them every day. There is no place for hate. A positive attitude and friendly atmosphere are needed for a comfortable renting experience.

Meet Previous Subletters

Whenever you find a perfect room share, chances are you’re not the first person to live in that room. So the best way to know more about your prospective roommate is to talk to the previous renters. After all, you don’t want to live with someone who will trash the place.

Of course, you shouldn’t act like you’re doing an extensive background check like some detective. But a few simple questions may reveal whether your future roommates love or hate conflict.

Discover the Right Room Share in Stanislaus

There’s nothing to be afraid of concerning room share-hunting. Follow the above tips, and you’re in for a much easier experience than other first-timers. Always do your research online and look for reviews to narrow down the most suitable options for yourself.

Get better access to a room share in Stanislaus, California, through Stayhaven Homes! We offer a wide variety of special needs populations with affordable and specialized housing for the disabled, veterans, seniors, sober living, transitional housing, re-entry, low-income, and other special needs customers! Talk to one of our agents today!

Is There a Difference Between Shared Housing and Co-living?

Room sharing can be very helpful as a means to have a place to stay that is more affordable and naturally gives you a sense of community. Because there are so many options available to you with their own benefits, it may help you to know the real difference between co-living spaces and shared housing.

Amenities Available

Though most spaces of either nature will already come with their own amenities, the difference lies in whether they are shared with others or designated per tenant. It’s also a matter of pricing, as co-living spaces will usually include amenities in their total rental fees. On the other hand, shared housing will have utilities separate from the fees.

In general, it depends on the actual place you reach out to. You can, however, expect water, maintenance, electricity, cleaning, and Wi-Fi.

Usual Demographics

Although you are not limited to any single type of space when it comes to finding a place to stay, you will usually see a distinct difference in the demographics of residents in the area.

Co-living spaces see a lot of working professionals, students, and sentient residents that travel a lot. In terms of shared housing, on the other hand, you’ll see an interesting mix of older retired individuals, professionals, and those that are looking for more extended stays.


There are co-living spaces that span all over the world, while shared housing is limited in the number of cities and regions it encompasses. You can expect co-living spaces to be in major metropolitan areas with a very active nightlife, while shared housing often set up shop in city outskirts.

Rental Fees and Options

You can choose from a dorm-like floor plan with shared living spaces to a live-for-free arrangement. For shared housing, the number of rooms available can go as low as just two to a maximum of twenty. Rent differs depending on what you want and how much space you need. Not all setups are created equally, so it can vary quite a bit.

You can easily find affordable shared housing these days, though, and can choose a viable payment plan that fits your own lifestyle, stream of income, and pool of funds.

The Rise of Shared Living

Shared living is seeing a major boost in popularity, and for a good reason. It’s a movement that’s meant to bring people together and share a sense of community through the shared resources that are available.

We can attribute its popularity due to the flexibility of its contracts, which don’t tie you down to year-long leases. Other reasons for its popularity are the inclusivity it provides for various residents without sacrificing safety.

The only thing to think about is whether or not you’re looking for a living situation that puts you in the presence of other people. It takes a sense of community and an ability to coexist with others to maximize the benefits of your housing situation.


The rise of various types of shared housing is something that doesn’t look like it will go out of style any time soon. By understanding the differences in these options, you can pick the one that suits your style and needs.

If you’re looking for shared housing in Sacramento, then reach out to Stayhaven Homes. We have rooms and beds available for a wide variety of demographics.